Loneliness and bereavement

We talked to people about feeling lonely after someone special to them had died, such as a partner, family member or close friend. It can feel daunting to face the world without the company and love of that person.

Sharmin experienced grief and mental health difficulties after the death of her mum.

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Lisa-Marie had a special bond with her brother who passed away after a long illness. She felt lonely having to be the strong one in the family.

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For some people, their loved one’s death was sudden and unexpected. They felt that not being prepared for it had added to the pain. People around them seemed to avoid talking about it and fewer bereavement support services were available to them.

After the sudden death of her husband, Maria had emotional trauma. She felt very lonely even with people around her.

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When someone special dies it can also mean losing the dreams and plans that they had together.

Jodie talks about the death of one of his close friends from breast cancer. He had thought that they would grow old together.

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Bereavement could ease loneliness too.

Loneliness and mental illness

We talked to people about their experiences of loneliness and poor mental health. Some people believed that the two are connected. For some, being lonely...

Loneliness and Covid-19

We talked to people about feeling lonely during lockdown and whilst social distancing measures were in place due to Covid-19. Here we talk about: Lockdown...