I can’t be lonely, I’m not old
We talked to people from different backgrounds and of different ages about their experiences of loneliness and the idea that loneliness only affects the elderly....
We spoke to people about their views and experiences of going to a GP about being lonely. They talked about:
GPs can help people who are lonely by referring them to local support groups with the support of a ‘link worker’. This is sometimes called ‘social prescribing’. A few of people told us that their GPs supported them in relation to loneliness. No-one said they were referred to community groups through their GP.
Some people had tried to get help for their mental health from a GP but felt like they were dismissed, and the GP was indifferent. This made them feel that the GP wouldbe unlikely to help with loneliness.
Some people felt that they could go to their GP about being lonely while others didn’t. Some said the GPs didn’t have the skills to deal with mental health issues, or might send them away. People were also worried about GP workloads and the limited resources of the NHS.
We talked to people from different backgrounds and of different ages about their experiences of loneliness and the idea that loneliness only affects the elderly....
We asked people who have experienced loneliness what they thought about support groups that aim to help lonely people. They spoke about: Why people would...