In this section you can find out what it is like to be be lonely. You can see and listen to people talking about their...
People told us about their experiences of loneliness. They talked about their memories of being lonely as children. Here, we discuss:
Looking back at their childhoods, people said that they felt lonely, not because they wanted more people around them but because they didn’t feel listened to, believed, supported, or protected.
Many people talked about their relationships with their parents. Some felt lonely because their parents neglected them and ignored their emotional needs .
Some people were lonely because of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. They didn’t have anyone around who they could trust enough to talk to about their abuse and ask for help. Having to keep their abuse a secret left them feeling alone.
Feeling different to other children and the people around them could cause loneliness for some. People described feeling they were outsiders and didn’t ‘fit in’ or belong.
For some people we talked to, being “different” got the attention of bullies making them feel even more lonely.
A few people said that missing out on having close relationships in childhoods had left them unable to have healthy relationships as adults.
In this section you can find out what it is like to be be lonely. You can see and listen to people talking about their...
We talked to people about how it feels to be lonely because of not feeling connected to anyone. Some pointed out that there is difference...