Loneliness resources
Campaign to end loneliness MIND Age UK Samaritans
Melina is a Research Fellow at the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing, University of Oxford.
We are grateful to the people who participated in this research by sharing their experiences of loneliness. We would also like to thank everyone who provided feedback, advice and support in developing this module.
Dr Claire Bates, Support Loving Leader, Supported Loving
Elaine James, Service Manager for commissioning for learning disabilities, Bradford Council
Jenny Manchester, Communications Manager, Campaign to End Loneliness
Abdul Menan Mirza, Public representative
Rob Mitchell, Principal Social Worker, Bradford Council
Glen Monks, Public representative
Dr Georgia Pavlopoulou, Associate Professor and Deputy Programme Director CYP IAPT Therapies Director ASC/LD, University College London
Dave Rogers, Chief Executive, Midland Mencap
Jon Whiteley, Deputy CEO, Doncaster Culture and Leisure Trust
This project is funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Health and Social Care Delivery Research Programme (reference NIHR128616). The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care.
Principal and Co-Investigators.
Professor Sara Ryan, (Project Lead), Professor of Social Care, Department of Social Care and Social Work, Manchester Metropolitan University
Dr Kate Baxter, Senior Research Fellow, Applied Social Care Research, Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
Dr Mark Wilberforce, Senior Research Fellow, Applied Social Care Research, Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
Professor Yvonne Birks, Professor of Applied Social Care Research, Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
Dr Angela Martin, Medical Sociology and HERG Research Operations Manager, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford
Ahmed Lambat, Public representative, LMCP Care Link, Manchester
Pam Bebbington, Public representative, My Life My Choice, Oxford
Professor Sue Ziebland, Professor of Medical Sociology, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford
Louise Robson, Public Health Lead (Working Age and Healthy Lives); Public Health, Leisure and Strategic Commissioning, Doncaster Borough Council
Professor Louise Locock, Professor of Health Services Research, Health Services Research Unit, University of Aberdeen
Adam Barnett, Chief Executive Officer, The Dipex Charity
Campaign to end loneliness MIND Age UK Samaritans