Looking for information about dementia and caring for a person with dementia

Most carers had known very little about dementia before the diagnosis. Those who had heard of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia usually thought that it was simply becoming forgetful or vague in old age. Few were aware that dementia could strike in middle age, and some reflected that it might be better not to know in advance. Even those who had some clinical training in dementia, including a doctor and a nurse, said that they had not understood the impact of the disease.

Had thought that dementia only affected elderly people.

Age at interview 62

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 50

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Sometimes people’s most pressing questions about the disease – how will it progress? – cannot be answered with any certainty. This can add to the carers’ feelings of confusion and isolation. However, almost everyone said that they had also needed practical information and could not understand why no one had told them what they needed to know at an early stage.

It would have been hard to predict how dementia would affect her mother. Wishes she could have alleviated her agitation.

Age at interview 53

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 61

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Many were confused about the divisions between statutory authorities and the roles and responsibilities of staff, and did not know where to turn for advice. Carers suggested that an ideal package of information would include contact details for the Alzheimer’s Society, which supports people with all types of dementia, not just Alzheimer’s disease, local information about support groups, practical details about social services, financial benefits and allowances, respite care and medical information about the possible progress of the disease.

Had trouble getting information and found that professionals, who were presumably familiar with the system, did not explain enough.

Age at interview 60

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 72

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People who had later stumbled across the information and support provided by the Alzheimer’s Society were impressed, but often amazed that no one had told them about it earlier. The Society’s factsheets, leaflets, booklets and outreach workers were widely praised. (Also see Sources of support).

Found an Alzheimer’s Society booklet on caring for someone with dementia very useful.

Age at interview 60

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 72

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Initially they found a fair amount of information themselves. Looking back he thinks they should have joined the Alzheimer’s Society earlier.

Gender Male

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Many people described being left up in the air after the diagnosis. Those who had found support groups, or other ways of finding out about the experiences of other carers such as the internet, books, newsletters and articles, talked about how helpful it was to find out how others had coped with problems.

Describes feeling dropped into thin air after the diagnosis – hospital test results were provided by letter but seemed irrelevant to her most pressing problems.

Age at interview 62

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 50

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Has learnt a lot about how to cope through other carers and a helpful CPN.

Age at interview 57

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 56

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One man had seen his mother-in-law develop Alzheimer’s disease several years before his wife was diagnosed. Because the progression was very similar this helped him to cope.

A woman whose husband was diagnosed with an early onset dementia had a friend whose husband had been diagnosed 20 years before. The friend was very helpful in steering them through what to expect.

Believes that he found it easier to cope because he already had some experience of dementia in the family.

Age at interview 72

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 62

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On the other hand, more often those who had known someone else with dementia said that the personalities, or the progress of the disease was so different that their prior knowledge was little help. A doctor said that he had not recognised the early signs in his mother, even though he had studied neurology and his grandmother had also had dementia.

Was unable to spot early signs of dementia in his mother even though he is medically trained and had seen his grandmother with dementia.

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 65

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Information about dementia could be upsetting but nearly everyone indicated that it was best to be forewarned. Some said that they would have handled things differently if they had known more about the nature of the disease and regretted being short-tempered when they did not realise the effect of the illness.

A man looking after his wife described how information needs change: initially he wanted information about dementia, but then sought information about how to be a carer. He says that he wishes he had tapped into the sources of support earlier.

Advises others to get information as soon as possible after the diagnosis.

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Would have been more patient with her husband had she known more about the nature of the disease.

Age at interview 52

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 57

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His information needs changed over time – from physiological and psychological explanations to how to manage the caring role.

Gender Male

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Last reviewed November 2023
Last updated January 2024

Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic

This section explores how people described their experiences of health and social care services during the period of the first wave of the pandemic, the...