Interview 25

Cared for by his wife at home. Was terrified when left in respite care so wife removed him within hours. Developed Parkinsons disease. Was admitted to hospital for assessment and subsequently transferred to residential care.

The loss of faculties is gradual.

Age at interview 60

Age at diagnosis 72

Dates the onset of serious deterioration to the anxiety caused by going abroad on holiday.

Age at interview 60

Age at diagnosis 72

Had trouble getting information and found that professionals, who were presumably familiar with the system, did not explain enough.

Age at interview 60

Age at diagnosis 72

Found an Alzheimer’s Society booklet on caring for someone with dementia very useful.

Age at interview 60

Age at diagnosis 72

Being a carer affected her perception of relationships with others.

Age at interview 60

Age at diagnosis 72

Her husband was having difficulty reading and later with finding words.

Age at interview 60

Age at diagnosis 72