Health and fitness of carers

Their own health, mental health and mobility were topics that worried the people we interviewed. Some people also described how much better the physical fitness of the person living with dementia was over their own. Many of the people we talked to mentioned health conditions and physical limitations they were experiencing that made them worry about planning care in the future for the person living with dementia.

Julie describes her friend’s physical fitness over her own

Charlotte talks about her own physical problems and her ability to manage her mother’s care

Johnny describes his mobility and ability to move around

Mary talks about her sister-in-law’s mobility in comparison to people who support her

Some people also felt the circumstances they were facing were challenging and they themselves needed extra support. People talked about how caring responsibilities affected their mental health. For some people, they were experiencing depression and anxiety and received medications to help them. Others received counselling and therapy sessions.

Carol describes her anxiety about caring for her partner

Andy talks about his mental health struggles and how it impacts his ability to care for his father

Jackie describes having counselling sessions for support

Last reviewed November 2023
Last updated January 2024

Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic

This section explores how people described their experiences of health and social care services during the period of the first wave of the pandemic, the...