
Lasting Powers of Attorney

This page covers: What is meant by Lasting Power of Attorney, Setting up Lasting Powers of Attorney and getting the timing right, Benefits of a Lasting Power of Attorney when someone needs care. A Lasting Power of Attorney is a legal agreement to authorise another person to make decisions on your behalf. A common belief […]


This page covers: Reasons why people made or revised wills when thinking about care, Who people asked for expert advice. Making a will is important for everyone. It is crucial to get legal advice about making a will as it’s easy to get things wrong. Frances told us that her local Age UK had a […]

Thinking about future care needs and costs

This page covers: How difficult it can be to think about needing care in the future Planning before reaching a crisis point Planning for the costs of care Thinking about moving or adapting the home Planning for care in older age is something people often put off. Some people find it an uncomfortable conversation to […]


Janine’s mother self-funded care from age 85. Janine’s mother was living with Lewy body dementia and had mobility problems. At first, Janine cared for her mother and persuaded her to have a cleaner to help out. Gradually her care needs increased and they began paying carers to come in each day.

Advice to other women about the menopause

Women are keen to share their experiences of the menopause with others. They offer the following advice: 1. Don’t expect to have problems Not all women have problems going through the menopause. According to Dr Sally Hope, most women either have no symptoms at all and feel fine, or have intermittent symptoms which have little […]

Alport syndrome: dealing with hearing loss

People with Alport syndrome can develop hearing loss at different points in their lives, caused by abnormalities in the inner ear. Some first realised they had problems with hearing at school and others had no difficulties until their twenties or thirties. Hearing loss may be one of the first signs or symptoms before a diagnosis […]

Alternative and complementary therapies for fibromyalgia

Many of the people we spoke to described having tried a range of alternative and complementary therapies for their fibromyalgia symptoms. Whilst there is limited evidence that these treatments are effective for fibromyalgia, some people find them helpful. Most (but not all) of the people we spoke to described them as being helpful for their […]

Alternative and complementary therapies, supplements and home remedies for alopecia

Some people we talked to had used alternative and complementary therapies or hoped to try them in the future. While it is not scientifically proven that these treatments are effective for alopecia, some people found them helpful. Alternative therapies can be used alongside conventional medicine (such as topical steroids and steroid injections for alopecia areata) […]

Alternatives to warfarin for atrial fibrillation: the new anticoagulants

New anticoagulants (blood thinning medication), dabigatran, rivaroxaban and apixaban, have come onto the market since we first interviewed people about their experiences of atrial fibrillation (AF). Designed to reduce the risk of stroke, the medications offer an alternative to warfarin for people with AF. Like all medications, they have both advantages and disadvantages. Dr Tim […]

Antidepressants: feelings about using medication for depression

The people we interviewed expressed a wide range of feelings about using antidepressants. At one end of the spectrum some said they currently had no qualms about using antidepressants. Olivia Y reflected, “I’m all for medication, I mean if I’ve got a headache I’ll take a paracetamol… If I’m feeling some sort of pain mentally […]