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Janine’s mother self-funded care from age 85. Janine’s mother was living with Lewy body dementia and had mobility problems. At first, Janine cared for her mother and persuaded her to have a cleaner to help out. Gradually her care needs…

  • Background

    Janine, aged 63, is married with two adult children. She returned to education in 2007 to complete a degree and a masters while also being the main carer for her...

  • Age at interview 63
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Simon

    Simon’s father self-funded care from age 95. Simon consulted a financial adviser to help him maximise his father’s income to pay for his care fees and protect his capital assets as far as possible. He trusted the financial adviser and…

  • Background

    Simon, aged 60, is retired. He worked as a teacher in secondary education for over 30 years. He helped his father arrange care and manage his finances. They decided to...

  • Age at interview 60
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Lynne

    Lynne’s parents self-funded their care. Lynne’s parents, a retired carpenter and hairdresser, had substantial life savings so Lynne knew that when it came to care they would have to self-fund. She arranged annuities to pay towards the fees when her…

  • Background

    Lynne, aged 65, is a retired financial director. When her parents needed to pay for care, she consulted a financial adviser who specialised in later life care plans. Lynne trusted...

  • Age at interview 65
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Jane

    Jane’s mother self-funded care from age 85. Jane consulted a financial adviser about ways to pay for care for her mother. She was very pleased with how the adviser explained the options and she decided to purchase an immediate needs…

  • Background

    Jane, aged 60, is self-employed, working part-time. Decisions about her mother’s care were made along with her brother and sister, but since Jane gave up full-time work to spend more...

  • Age at interview 60
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Hannah

    Hannah’s mother self-funded care from age 75. After Hannah’s mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, care began with family members staying over and later a care agency was used. Eventually it was decided Hannah’s mother needed residential care. When Hannah relocated,…

  • Background

    Hannah is a banking director and commutes to the city from rural central England. She is primary carer and has Power of Attorney for her mother who has lived with...

  • Age at interview 53
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Marie

    Marie’s mother self-funded care from age 73. Marie helps her father to arrange daily care for her mother who is living with dementia. Her parents were reluctant at first to accept help but now pay for carers from an agency.

  • Background

    Marie, aged 40,  has two children aged 11 and 8. She has knowledge of care reviews and assessments through her professional role as a social services team leader. Marie talks...

  • Age at interview 40
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Kate

    Kate’s mother self-funded care from age 90. Kate’s mother needed help and support after her husband died. Kate cared for her mother as her frailty increased over the years and her mother now employs a carer to stay overnight, which…

  • Background

    Kate, aged 69, has a Masters in Education. After a career in education, health and social care, Kate had a good understanding of the system but still faced challenges finding...

  • Age at interview 69
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Bella

    Bella’s mother self-funded care from age 86. Bella’s mother had always been financially astute and invested for independence in her later years. Beginning with a cleaner, and gradually arranging more care and support at home, her mother decided to try…

  • Background

    Bella, aged 69, is a retired teacher with an MA in Education. She is a lay reviewer for Alzheimer’s Society research. Bella cared for her mother who was diagnosed with...

  • Age at interview 69
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Beverley

    Beverley’s 87-year-old father is planning for care. Beverley’s father-in-law, who lived locally to her, was cared for by Beverley, her partner and his two siblings. They all shared decisions and responsibility for looking after him. He remained in his own home…

  • Background

    Beverley, aged 68, is educated to Masters level and is a retired museum curator. She lives with her partner and they were both involved with care decisions about her partner’s...

  • Age at interview 68
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Maggie

    Maggie is a 71-year-old white British woman living in a rural area.

  • Background

    Maggie is a 71-year-old white British woman living in a rural area.