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Interview 42

Became ill in his 50’s. Suspected his own diagnosis but was told it was depression. Lived alone and attended day hospital for a year. Then in sheltered accommodation. Finally had to be sectioned and was in psychiatric hospital. Transferred to…

  • Background

    Wife and mother of 3, who separated from her husband during his illness but continued to care for him. she had been a relationship and loss counsellor. Her husband was...

  • Age at interview 63
  • Interview 25

    Cared for by his wife at home. Was terrified when left in respite care so wife removed him within hours. Developed Parkinsons disease. Was admitted to hospital for assessment and subsequently transferred to residential care.

  • Background

    Carer of considerably older husband (+18 years). They have no children.

  • Age at interview 60
  • Interview 23

    Has been able to cope with caring for him at home. He attends a day centre and he has regular respite care. Doesn’t feel ready to consider full time residential care for him but has felt it necessary to look…

  • Background

    Carer who had been a teacher looks after her partner, a former policeman, who has Pick’s dementia at home. Diagnosed in 2000. Between them they have 3 children.

  • Age at interview 62
  • Interview 22

    Was cared for at home until very recently when he was admitted to residential care. Before this he attended a day centre with residential respite every 6 weeks. Later was on Exelon but taken off when he developed side-effects.

  • Background

    Carer is mother of four who gave up her job as a social worker to look after her husband at home. Diagnosed in 1997. Patient was an ex army major.

  • Age at interview 61
  • Interview 16

    He was cared for at home for 7 years. When things got really difficult he spent 18 months in residential care after which his wife was able to bring him home again with the additional support of either a live-in…

  • Background

    Carer is wife of a man who first developed Alzheimers when he was 50. Diagnosed in 1991 and treated with Exelon. They have 2 children. Carer and her husbsand had...

  • Age at interview 62
  • Interview 06

    Husband cared for at home. On medication two years. Attended day centre but went into a home after his wife had a mild stroke. Rapid deterioration in spite of good care. Wife now visits him once a week but he…

  • Background

    Wife caring for her husband who was an academic psychologist. Diagnosed in 1995. one child.

  • Age at interview 87
  • Carol

    Carol’s partner was originally diagnosed with cognitive impairments in 2018. However, his memory continued to deteriorate so she asked him to be seen at a hospital with a good neurological department. He was eventually diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and Carol…

  • Background

    Carol cares for her partner, who has Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Age at interview 58
  • Sex/Gender Female