Feeling ‘different’ and finding out about autism

Getting a diagnosis of autism varies in terms of the age at which children or adults are diagnosed, the diagnostic label given (e.g. autism, Asperger syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDDNOS) or high functioning autism) and how people are diagnosed. The process of getting a diagnosis varies as there is no universal diagnostic tool. A useful term in diagnosis is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) as this covers all forms of the disorder.

Debbie and her mother had looked into whether she might be on the autism spectrum when she was in…

Age at interview 44

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 35

The road to discovery: ‘Getting to the bottom of the problem

A few people we talked with had gone through childhood experiencing different sorts of difficulties. Duncan had been diagnosed with dyspraxia when he was eight years old but his parents felt there remained ‘unanswered questions’ and he was eventually diagnosed with Asperger syndrome when he was 16. A few people were diagnosed as young children and had gone through the education system in special schools or specialist units. Russell was diagnosed as a child after meeting a psychologist in a diabetes clinic waiting room.

Paul I’s mum thought he was deaf and blind initially because of the way he interacted with the environment.

Age at interview 29

Gender Male

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Jamie’s mum instigated his diagnosis as a child because his behaviour was different to other…

Age at interview 22

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 9

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Some people were originally diagnosed with other conditions such as OCD, anxiety, schizophrenia and dyspraxia. Several of them, in their attempt to learn more about these conditions, had come across descriptions of Autism and Asperger syndrome and found that they explained many of the problems they had been experiencing.

Mary did some research after feeling that her diagnosis of OCD ‘wasn’t the full story.

Age at interview 22

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 21

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John was on the verge of a diagnosis of schizophrenia as a teenager.

Age at interview 47

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 45

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Sam wasn’t convinced by the suggested diagnosis of schizoid type personality disorder and so did…

Age at interview 26

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 24

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John L was sectioned when he was younger and was told he was too sane be there by a psychiatrist.

Age at interview 39

Gender Male

‘My aunt sent some stuff about Aspergers’

The recognition by other, non-medical people – family friends, relatives, school or college staff – that the person may be on the spectrum was striking. People talked about receiving newspaper articles or leaflets from friends or family members, or a work colleague suggesting they may be autistic. The leader of a psychotherapy group suggested to John that he might be on the autism spectrum. John L realised once his nephew was diagnosed and he had been told for years his nephew was just like John L had been growing up. Paul I got thinking after he realised he felt ‘like a resident’ when working as a care worker in a residential home with learning disabled people.

Peter read a leaflet at the doctor’s surgery and found that 90% of the symptoms described fitted…

Age at interview 83

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 80

Catherine went for a diagnosis after having difficulties learning to drive and getting some…

Age at interview 49

Harriet went on a course about Asperger syndrome when the trainers commented on her responses…

Age at interview 49

Sue persuaded her husband to seek a diagnosis.

Age at interview 58

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 51

The internet allowed many people access to information and descriptions of autism which helped them in their search for answers. Laurie suspected her son was autistic, started reading about it and realised that what she was reading was ‘incredibly similar’ to her, so decided to seek a diagnosis for herself.

Someone online suggested Catherine may have Asperger syndrome after years of seeing doctors and…

Gender Male

Damian suspected his son was autistic then realised the reading he was doing related to himself…

Age at interview 37

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 36

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Some people were diagnosed after having difficulties at work. One man was facing a criminal trial while Debbie was badly bullied at work and was threatened with a disciplinary procedure.

Peter’s mum persuaded him to go to a psychologist after he got a criminal record.

Age at interview 33

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 30

Once Mark realised he had to stop ignoring the difficulties he was facing when he couldn’t face…

Age at interview 27

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 26

Life on the autism spectrum

In this section you can find out about the experience of life on the autism spectrum by listening to people share their personal stories on...

Trying to get an autism diagnosis

No standardised test exists to diagnose autism and people described different experiences of getting a diagnosis. Those people diagnosed as children often remembered little about...