Autism and friends

The people we interviewed had different experiences of friendships. Many had difficulties making and sustaining friendships, a few did not want friends because they did not like socialising and others had good friendships.
Several people had a friend or several friends and these included online friends who interacted via MSN, friends from school and friends from an autistic support group.

Alex has online friends who help her by checking that she has eaten or locked her doors.

Age at interview 28

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 3

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Richard has various friends that he plays games and watches television with.

Age at interview 22

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 2

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Sam finds a lot of people ‘banal but found having a friend at university made a ‘massive…

Age at interview 26

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 24

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One woman had friends from the village she grew up in and friends she’d made through her local Asperger support group. Another man, similarly had ‘loads of friends’ from the youth club he attends with other young people with Asperger syndrome. Other people said that their friends were similar to them; ‘all misfits’ was how one person described his friends over the years.

Ian finds it easier to make friends with autistic people as they think the same.

Age at interview 22

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 8

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‘Making friends is a mystery to me’

Defining what a friend was concerned a few people. Richard quoted his wife as saying he had no friends, but he does have friends on the internet: ‘People that have gone through the same kind of thing, the same kind of experiences and they tend to be people I can relate more to’. Laurie had a lot of professional counselling because she hant been able to go and let off steam with a friend over a cup of coffee like most people. To her, making friends is a mystery (see ‘Communication and interaction’).

Susie thinks Oliver has a lot of friends but he finds defining friends difficult.

Age at interview 27

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 25

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It took Simon a while to learn what a friend was and explains how he finds it hard to trust people.

Age at interview 22

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 5

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Some people found making friends got easier as they grew older and learnt more about social rules. John L finds he is better at doing things it if he doing them with or for someone else. He enjoys cooking for his friends.

In his last year at school James found that he had made friends without realising it at the time.

Age at interview 22

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 12

Catherine has learnt how to ‘sit about with people’ from Neil and is amazed she can now do that.

Gender Male

Others found that a distance grew between themselves and their peers as they reached adolescence.

Mary gets on better with people older or younger than her. She thinks this is because she is less…

Age at interview 22

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 21

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Knowing how to interact with friends was something several people found difficult.

Mark says he tends to approach people with a ‘level of emotional detachment.

Age at interview 27

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 26

As a child, Mary was very clingy and obsessive about friendships.

Age at interview 22

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 21

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The social side of friendships was appreciated by some people, even if they had not been successful in making any. One woman said, ‘I would really like to have a proper friend, as in like someone you could see regularly, that you can share and disclose everything, you know, and you feel 100% comfortable with’. Simon became depressed when his friends left college and he had to start the new college year on his own.
A couple of people had mixed feelings about friendships or didn’t want friends. Martin found people largely ‘irritating’ while Christopher said he ‘ached for companionship’ while at the same time not really wanting friends.

Autism and family

Family relations varied among the people we talked with. Some people had very close relationships, while others felt distant from their parents, siblings or other...

Autism and going to school

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