Dementia and memory problems: links and resources
Age UK ageuk.org.uk Age UK have information and advice on benefits and dementia. Alzheimer’s Society alzheimers.org.uk Alzheimer’s Society offer dedicated support to those who need...
Lyndsay Lindley
Lyndsay is a qualitative researcher at the University of York. Her research interests are in care of older people and life with dementia. Lyndsay’s PhD (University of Leeds, 2016) explores everyday interaction of families living with dementia.
Alannah Friend
Alannah is a research trainee at the University of York. Alannah helped recruit participants to the study and conducted some of the interviews. She has been involved with analysing and preparing the content for this section. Alannah has experience of supporting people living with dementia when she worked as a Therapy Assistant for the NHS. She is studying for her masters degree in Applied Health Research.
Advisory Panel
Polly Sykes, Senior lecturer and Head of Social Work, University of York
Debbie Harris, Founder of Autumna
John Hammond Doctoral student at University of Brighton and experience of supporting LGBTQ+ people living with dementia.
Shadreck Mwale, Senior Lecturer in Sociology of Health and Illness, University of West London
Emily Kenward, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Time to Talk Befriending
Peter Clark, Public representative
Manisha Ahya, Public representative
Helen Graham, Public representative
Jennifer Bostock, Public representative
We are grateful to the people who participated in this research by sharing their experiences of life with dementia. We would also like to thank everyone who provided feedback, advice and support in developing this module.
Funded by
This project is funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) under its Three Schools’ Dementia Research Programme (Funder Reference Number: 102645/3SDRP/UYLL-DP08). The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care.
Grant holders:
Lyndsay Lindley (Co-Principal Investigator), Research Fellow, School for Business and Society, University of York
Suzanne Ii (Co-Principal Investigator), Senior Qualitative Researcher, MS&HERG, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford
Sue Ziebland, Professor of Medical Sociology and Co-Director of MS&HERG, MS&HERG, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford
Yvonne Birks, Professor of Applied Social Care Research, School for Business and Society, University of York; Director The Curiosity Partnership and Associate Director NIHR School for Social Care Research
Kate Baxter, Senior Research Fellow, Social Policy Research Unit, School for Business and Society, University of York
Rachael Jennings, Senior Social Worker, North Yorkshire County Council
Ahmad Krayem, Public representative
Adam Barnett, Chief Executive Officer, The DIPEx Charity
Age UK ageuk.org.uk Age UK have information and advice on benefits and dementia. Alzheimer’s Society alzheimers.org.uk Alzheimer’s Society offer dedicated support to those who need...