What it’s like to live with dementia

In this section, people talk about everyday challenges and how living with dementia affects them emotionally. People have interesting ways of interpreting how their brain is working. Sections include:

  • Describing everyday challenges of dementia
  • Communication and word-finding
  • Memories
  • How people feel about their dementia

Describing everyday challenges of dementia

John is troubled by his memory problems.

Eric says his brain isn’t working as well as it should.

Sir Terry Pratchett had a form of dementia called PCA, or Posterior Cortical Atrophy.

PCA affects Terry’s vision and spatial awareness.

Sometimes having dementia means people withdraw from socialising or the things that used to interest them.

Richard is no longer interested in his hobbies.

Communication and word-finding

Difficulty finding the right words in conversation was something that many people reported. Christine told us she feels embarrassed when she uses a lot of words if the right one doesn’t come to mind.

Different situations affect Lorraine’s language skills.

Eric forgets the punchline.

Ray can’t find the right word.

People told us that they sometimes became aware that they were repeating themselves and that makes them feel like not talking at all.

Clare sometimes finds it embarrassing when her memory lets her down.


Thinking about how the brain functions, how memory works, is something that was described in interviews, sometimes in quite imaginative ways.

Memories from long ago are clear for Terry.

Christine visualises her mind as a box of memories.

Clare remembers the feeling but not the details.

How people feel about their dementia

People described how their memory problems, and other symptoms of dementia, made them feel.

Soraya feels frustrated when she loses things.

Terry describes his dementia as an embuggerance.

Noticing signs of dementia

These are some of the signs that people noticed that made them seek help. People told us that it is when things persist and start...