Music and dementia
Many people told us how important music is in their lives. We heard from Howard, a professional musician and Richard who learned to play guitar...
When we spoke to people in interviews, some topics of conversation would prompt memories of past events. This section talks about:
It was interesting to us (the researchers) to hear about people’s lives, what interests them and the things they have done. It was also noticeable that when the people living with dementia were telling us these stories, they seemed more animated and lively and for some people their speech was more fluent and had less difficulty finding words. Lorraine noted that although she often experienced word-finding difficulties, when she is ‘telling her own story’ this does not trouble her. Lorraine mentions this in the section called ‘What it’s like to live with dementia’.
Everyone likes to share stories of past or shared experiences now and again and finding opportunities to do this can be empowering for a person affected by dementia.
It could be good to think about how to prompt reminiscing at home or places to go that can spark memories. Visiting a Windrush exhibition brought back lots of memories for Robert about the time he travelled to England from Jamaica.
Some galleries and museums have put exhibitions online so that they can be viewed from home with family and friends. Look at your local museum for details or even try other places – anywhere in the world that you may have enjoyed visiting in the past. Try searching for ‘online museums’.
People living with dementia can often remember things about their childhood and schooldays.
Sporting achievements from school and later in life are good memories for some people. In the interview, Lawrence shares stories about his marathon running and musical skills.
Some people also took pleasure in talking about their working life. It can be uplifting to share details of the skills you learnt or the people you met.
Music can be a great way to bring back memories. When Andrew returned from living abroad he created a memory playlist that he can play on his smart speaker. Other people told us about photo albums and film recordings they had that prompted memories of their family life or travels. However, sometimes the nostalgia can be emotional.
Many people told us how important music is in their lives. We heard from Howard, a professional musician and Richard who learned to play guitar...
We interviewed people all over England to find out about their experiences of living with dementia. We asked people what would be their messages to...