Doing daily tasks with dementia
Housework Recycling Cooking Gardening The people we spoke to said that living with dementia does not stop them from doing the jobs around the house...
In this section we talk about the things people like to do to keep busy each day.
Some are lifelong hobbies and others are different interests that people have adapted to since having memory problems. People told us about lots of ways they kept themselves active and alert doing activities that could help to delay the progression of their dementia.
Doing puzzles, reading and other self-development pastimes are popular with the people living with dementia that we interviewed. For example, Derek does daily brainteasers using the smart speaker, Alexa.
Reading can be a great pleasure but some people said they now find it hard. In particular reading novels is tricky because of having to keep track of the characters and the storyline.
Housework Recycling Cooking Gardening The people we spoke to said that living with dementia does not stop them from doing the jobs around the house...
Friends and neighbours can play an important part in daily life, whether you are able to walk about locally or just catch up with people...