Exercise and dementia

In this section we talk about exercising:

  • Exercise is recommended for living well with dementia
  • Walking every day
  • Gyms and sports groups that support people with dementia

Exercise is recommended for living well with dementia

People said that they knew about the importance of exercise, either because their doctor told them or through reading about life with dementia. Some people are keeping up the exercise they have always enjoyed and others have joined new classes or go walking each day.

The doctor told Derek exercise is the best thing.

Howard knows the importance of daily exercise.

Laurie goes to a social group for people with memory problems. At each meeting they spend some time doing chair-based exercises. Since going to these sessions, Laurie has felt much stronger and has been able to return to regular swimming too.

Since joining the memory hub, Laurie has felt the benefit of exercising.

Walking every day

Walking is a good way to keep mobile, whether it’s with an organised group or with friends or family.

Robert looks forward to his weekly walking group.

Lawrence told us about the marathon running he used to do all over the world. He still likes to exercise by walking to town or in the hills nearby.

Lawrence keeps fit walking everyday with his daughter.

David walks to collect his daily paper.

Gyms and sports groups that support people with dementia

Andrew goes to his local gym at least three times a week. When he is on holiday in Europe they rent a place with gym facilities, which he loves. The gym where Derek goes is really supportive and dementia-inclusive. His wife or sons go along with him to set up the weights.

Derek has always been keen on sport and fitness.

Finding out about groups and services in the local area can open up connections with all sorts of facilities. Ray and Barbara found a group where all sorts of sports and games are going on.

There’s lots on offer in Ray and Barbara’s local community.

Eric and Ros moved to a retirement village when Eric was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and cognitive problems. They find the place really sociable and the facilities are great.

There is a gym and a pool in the retirement village where Eric and Ros live.

Even small villages sometimes run classes and exercise groups.

Keith and his wife go to a fitness class each week.

Music and dementia

Many people told us how important music is in their lives. We heard from Howard, a professional musician and Richard who learned to play guitar...