Lasting powers of attorney and advance decisions
This section features: Lasting powers of attorney Advance decisions There are legal agreements that can be put in place to make sure your future decisions...
People with a diagnosis of dementia may be eligible for some benefits or discounts. There are certain criteria you will have to meet, for example, age limits. Some benefits including Attendance Allowance are not means tested. This means if you are eligible, you will receive this allowance no matter how much you have in savings or income. There is more information about help with funding in our section on Paying for social care.
You can find tips on applying for allowances on websites such as Alzheimer’s Society, Age UK or Citizens Advice.
Ray and Barbara said their local carers’ support service helped to fill in the application form.
Being awarded attendance allowance sometimes leads to other discounts becoming available.
Having a diagnosis of dementia does not automatically lead to benefits.
People who are awarded attendance allowance do not have to spend it directly on care. It could be used for taxi fares to get to a club or support group, for example. It’s there to make your life easier.
Living with dementia might mean that some everyday tasks become too difficult.
This section features: Lasting powers of attorney Advance decisions There are legal agreements that can be put in place to make sure your future decisions...
Housework Recycling Cooking Gardening The people we spoke to said that living with dementia does not stop them from doing the jobs around the house...