Assessments and tests for dementia

In interviews, we asked people to tell us about how they were diagnosed with dementia. Not everyone was able to remember details and some preferred to put it behind them and get on with life. We heard about various assessments including the:

  • Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and
  • various types of scans.

Some people thought that the MMSE was not a very useful test. Tony thought the questions were meaningless because they didn’t relate to his life.

The questions in the MMSE seemed pointless to Tony.

The MMSE score went down the second time Eric went to the clinic.

MMSE tests give the clinicians an indication of how your memory is working. People told us that they were sent for scans that would show if they had any damage from dementia-causing diseases. There are different types of scan. Maxine had a Fludeoxyglucose (FDG) PET scan which she had to pay for.

Having a PET scan would give Maxine a more accurate diagnosis.

After her second MMSE, Lorraine was referred for more tests and a scan.

Most people we spoke to started their diagnosis pathway by visiting their GP. But Andrew was having check-ups every year at the HIV care unit. This clinic provides all round assessments and support for health and wellbeing and they followed up Andrew’s concerns about his memory. Some people told us they had a lumbar puncture. This procedure tests the spinal fluid which can help to identify markers for types of dementia.

After a routine check-up Andrew was sent for a lumbar puncture and a scan.

Most people told us they were referred to a memory clinic for assessment. During the pandemic the clinics were sometimes held online. Memory tests and assessments are sometimes carried out in your home.

Richard’s assessment was done at his home but he found it intimidating.

The doctor hasn’t sent Robert for assessments.

Experiences of dementia diagnosis

Seeking a diagnosis Questioning the diagnosis Receiving diagnosis In our interviews people described what they could remember of the process of diagnosis. Some started years...