Autism and housing
Some people we talked with lived in residential homes or at home with their parents. Some live in independent supported living with paid carers, while...
Mental health problems such as anxiety and depression were common among the people we talked with. Most said they had experienced depression in late adolescence/early adult life and several people had occasionally felt suicidal or tried to take their own lives. Christopher summarised his depression as an outcome of how people have treated him in the past;
‘Loneliness, anger and frustration and, just unhappiness really. Just all of those into a big searing stew pot of despair.’
A few people talked about self-harming and two women ‘wandered in and out of bulimia and anorexia’. Several people described being bullied either at school or at work. Peter said:
‘I was very good at hiding depression from my mum and dad. When I was bullied at school I used to always come home happy or that’s what they thought’.
‘What am I going to do? You know, I am not working. I am not possibly having an income. How am I going to occupy my time? I won’t be able to live the way I have lived up till now on retirement money and so on. It all sort of came together and the last thing I thought of is sitting down and saying to [wife] ‘Look, I have been a stupid so and so. I have spent our money and what are we going to do now then? Let’s work it out’.’
Another man who had got into a lot of debt and tried unsuccessfully to do extra overtime to clear it, became very depressed. He said:
‘It never really clicked with me, I could actually go and see dad and say ‘I’m in a lot of trouble here’. And then everything just built up.’
‘And so I was quite depressed and that is maybe when I got onto risperidone. They didn’t agree with me. I can’t remember. I have got so much stuff. I could set up my own chemist.’
Some people we talked with lived in residential homes or at home with their parents. Some live in independent supported living with paid carers, while...
Although some people on the autism spectrum enjoy fulfilling relationships, there are others for whom emotional attachment can be difficult and this may affect intimate...