Autism support groups
Support groups can provide people with a space in which they can swap stories, share information, ideas and tips to help manage different parts of...
Some people talked about how they were supported by professionals in different ways. One man, for example, found a local job support agency helped him to find a job and provided support within the job. Another man had a care worker who visited every couple of weeks and helped him with organising his home and reducing the clutter he lived with. A few people lived in supported living accommodation and had round the clock support.
While a few people had good experiences with the provision of appropriate support, many had not. This was often related to the lack of understanding professionals had about autism and was very frustrating for people.
Funding issues could interrupt the support people had. Ian, for example, had the support of a psychologist and an ‘autistic nurse’ which was helpful until the funding was withdrawn.
Those people who were in further education or were about to start further education, felt they had been offered appropriate support to facilitate their studies (see ‘Employment’ and ‘Further Education’).
A few people talked about how they felt that health and social care professionals had not been very supportive towards them. This was linked to a lack of understanding and awareness about the autism spectrum and, in particular, Asperger syndrome. A few people found that their GP’s had little knowledge about the autism spectrum and one woman talked about taking a counsellor who worked in the autism field to the doctors with her to help her explain what she needed to explain.
Some people talked about the kind of support they would like.
Support groups can provide people with a space in which they can swap stories, share information, ideas and tips to help manage different parts of...
We asked people if they had any message they wanted to pass on to people diagnosed with autism spectrum conditions. Some people stressed that autism...