Thinking about the future when you have a sibling on the autism spectrum

We asked people how they felt about the future. Their thoughts focused on what their sibling’s future would be like, in terms of fulfilment and happiness, and what sort of role they themselves would play in their siblings’ life. Some also thought about their own future and the possibility of having children on the spectrum themselves. One person, who was slightly older, worried about what would happen to her sibling when she was no longer able to be his guardian.

“I think the hope is that university will go fine”

It was difficult for the younger people we talked with to have a clear picture of the future, because they could not know how their siblings would develop. As one woman said, “It’s just like any fifteen year old person, he’ll grow up and change, and my expectations for his future will grow up and change as he does”. Some people were fairly sure that their siblings would need full time care in the future, particularly if they were already in residential care of some sort. Other people were less sure about this; they felt there was a possibility that their sibling could live independently, but it was very uncertain. As one woman said, “it’s not the same as caring for a kind of profoundly disabled person or something”.

Eloise thinks that her brother could go to university, have a relationship and a family of his…

Age at interview 18

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“I’d rather live in the present; it’s alright at the moment”

A couple of people said they didn’t worry about the future; they recognised that there may be some implications for them, in terms of care or responsibility, at some point in the future, but while they were young, and their parents were still young, it was not something they worried about.

Steph has thoughts about the future, rather than worries.

Age at interview 26

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“It’s a constant worry, definitely”

Most people, however, said they did worry and, for a few, it was a constant worry that rendered the future “scary”. These worries were both broad worries and more specific worries. For example, people worried about what sort of future their sibling would have, the lack of available support or appropriate provision, and whether or not autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) were hereditary. More specific worries included how their sibling would cope with the death of their parents, and what would happen when their parents or parent could no longer care for them. A few said they worried about the impact of long term care for their sibling on the health of their mothers.

Marti and her mum are beginning to look around for some provision for their brother but have not…

Age at interview 20

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A couple of people tried to teach their sibling self-help skills like budgeting, cooking, washing and clearing up. A couple of people felt strongly that their brothers ought to be more independent than they were.

Ellie hopes her brothers self-care skills will improve because she would love to live with him.

Age at interview 17

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“I’ve reconciled that my brother will always be a very prominent part of my life”

Some people knew they would be responsible for their sibling in the future and, in some cases, become their legal guardian. Some accepted this and were either happy, or at least resigned, about their role. They anticipated living close to their sibling and being responsible for them. As one woman said, “I’ll always have to put aside some of social life to deal with things”. Others found this prospect “daunting” and were concerned about what sort of level of support their sibling may need. Some felt their mothers provided a level of care that they may not be able to match. They also thought about the implications of this responsibility for their own families and their working lives.

Graham knew that he will become his brothers guardian, but worries because he doent know what…

Age at interview 24

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Steph is reconciled with the fact that she will be her brothers carer in the future.

Age at interview 26

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Jenni found the prospect of becoming her brothers guardian daunting.

Age at interview 18

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Lucy thought her sister would be a better carer to their brother because she gets on with him a…

Age at interview 18

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Anne is currently her brothers guardian. She worried about who would care for him when she was…

Age at interview 54

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Some people thought about the best living arrangement for their siblings in the future. A couple of older people had adult siblings who already had established living arrangements; one brother lived in a small supported living community, while the other one lived on his own but with support workers coming in on a daily basis. One woman said she worried about her brother going into residential care as an adult because she didn’t think that adult care was as good as “school care”.

Sophie would prefer to look after her brother rather than put him in a home.

Age at interview 20

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“I would hate to take over the care my mum gives”

A few people didn’t want to be responsible for their sibling in the long term and didn’t see why they should be. One woman said that she would hate to become responsible for her brother and was glad that she was able to walk away from it all by leaving home. She thought that if she got married and had a family, it would be unfair to them if she was also responsible for her brother. In part, these feelings reflected her experience of growing up with him.

Alison was unsure if she would become her brothers guardian or if the local authority would take…

Age at interview 50

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Katherine would not like to take over the care of her brother because of the negative…

Age at interview 21

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Ellie is glad that her brother is in residential care and will probably remain so. It means she…

Age at interview 17

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“I don’t know whether I want to have children”

Many people had thought about the possibility that ASD was a hereditary condition. They thought about what this might mean in terms of having children of their own. Several had decided that they didn’t want to have children because they worried their children may be on the spectrum. Their experience of growing up with their sibling meant that they had an understanding of what life was like for family members.

Sophie feels sad carrying a gene that may upset another life.

Age at interview 20

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The thought of having a child like her brother petrifies Katherine.

Age at interview 21

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Steph doent know if she will want children in the future but she has researched the risk of her…

Age at interview 26

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A few people said the opposite, i.e. having children of their own with ASD wouldn’t bother them because they knew what it was like.

Amys views of having a child with autism have changed. She thinks it would be okay because she…

Age at interview 17

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Having a child on the autism spectrum is something Lucy would take in her stride.

Age at interview 18

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Jenni doent think there is any point in worrying about having a child with autism; you dont…

Age at interview 18

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Thinking about cause

The cause of autism is still not known, though current thinking is that there are probably several contributory factors, including genetics and environmental factors, rather...