What is a financial assessment?
This page covers: What a local council financial assessment is, Reasons why people had a financial assessment or not, What’s included in a financial assessment....
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Some of the people we spoke to described their experiences of applying for NHS continuing healthcare funding, otherwise known as CHC.
If someone is eligible for NHS continuing healthcare, then the NHS pays for their social care whether that is in a care home or at home. CHC funding is only available for some people with long-term complicated health needs and there are strict eligibility criteria. If someone is not eligible for CHC funding, they might still be eligible for NHS-funded nursing care if they live in a care home that provides nursing care.
Some people were told about CHC funding by a care worker or another professional but others, like Hannah, heard about it by chance from talking to relatives of people who had CHC funding.
People told us they were confused about how long CHC funding would last. As Andrew explains, the name suggests it will continue forever, but in fact people are re-assessed and may stop being eligible. This means people may have to start paying for their care again and so need to plan for this.
People who are at the end of their lives can be fast-tracked through the assessment process but this can still be reassessed if the person’s health stabilises.
People also told us that applying for CHC funding was a long and difficult process. They described having to be strong, to fight for CHC funding, to ‘keep on’ at the professionals and to know the right words to use.
CHC funding can save people a lot of money because the NHS supports the cost of healthcare. The assessment is carried out by a team of health professionals who look at multiple factors to do with health and care needs. But carers were confused about why some people were funded and some were not, even though their circumstances seemed the same or a person given CHC funding seemed very wealthy. For Andrew, the care home staff had different opinions about whether his mother would be eligible.
People found out about CHC funding in different ways and at different times. Although CHC funding can be given to people in their own homes, all but one of the people we spoke to had applied for it for a relative living in a care home.
This page covers: What a local council financial assessment is, Reasons why people had a financial assessment or not, What’s included in a financial assessment....
This page covers: How people gathered information to help their appeals, Reasons why people appealed, Organisations that can help. The care system can be baffling....