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Interview 39

Dismissed unexpectedly from the Army where he worked on chemical defence. Unable to get a new job. Diagnosis took about 3 years. Wife worked 1 day a week, and cared for him and children. Difficult finding appropriate care. Died while…

  • Background

    Wife with 2 young children caring for her husband who developed frontal lobe dementia while in his forties. Diagnosed in 1994. Occupation of patient: Ammunition Specialist in the Army.

  • Age at interview 52
  • Interview 21

    Her husband developed Picks’ disease when he was 57. The patchy nature of his dementia made it difficult to convince people that his problems were real. Delay in getting the diagnosis meant they experienced extreme difficulties in accessing his health…

  • Background

    A former nurse and mother of four who cares for her husband (a doctor) at home. He was diagnosed in 1997. Also providing distance care for her elderly demented mother.

  • Age at interview 52
  • Interview 54

    Cared for in her own home, initially supported by cleaner who had been with her for 20 years. Since the cleaner retired they have installed a live in carer. Arrangements for transfer to residential care in the near future are…

  • Background

    Carer is one of 4 daughters looking after their widowed mother. She has two daughters of her own and works as a script editor. Her mother never went to work.

  • Age at interview 45
  • Interview 52

    Deterioration was gradual over 14 years. Day care was gradually increased. Hospitalised when he became ill and then went into residential care where he was happy. Difficult for his wife as they had been married 74 years. She is now…

  • Background

    Son caring for his parents who lived close by when his elderly father developed Alzheimers. Carer is married.

  • Interview 18

    At 80 her mother was still a vigorous, independent woman. First care home insisted on her being sectioned so she was moved to a locked assessment ward. Appalled by this her daughters found a secure long-term home for her where…

  • Background

    Carer is a doctor sharing the distance care of their mother, with her sister (Interview 4). She is married with 2 children.

  • Interview 15

    Her mother had been an independent widowed woman. They had hoped when they were able to move her nearby that this arrangement would be adequate for several years but before long she had to go into residential care.

  • Background

    Carer is married with her own family (2 children). She shared decision making with her brother and sister for her widowed mother who was diagnosed in 1998 / 1999.

  • Age at interview 59
  • Interview 13

    Her mother developed Lewy Body Dementia while living alone in Paris. After many crises her mother has accepted that she cannot return to her flat and that she move to England to live with her daughter. Treated with Exelon then…

  • Background

    Carer is a married daughter who looks after her divorced mother. She is a healthcare assistant with 2 children. Her mother, a retired dressmaker was a diagnosed in 2000.

  • Age at interview 54
  • Interview 11

    She managed for a time to care for her mother in her own home which was nearby but eventually had to agree to her going into a nursing home.

  • Background

    Carer is a married teacher with her own family responsibilities (1 daughter 1 granddaughter) looking after her widowed mother. She is the youngest daughter of three children. Her mother was...

  • Interview 09

    Her mother, a strong minded widow, bitterly resisted surrendering her freedom and finally had to be sectioned before being transferred to residential care. She died recently twenty years after the first signs of her dementia, in a nursing home.

  • Background

    Carer is the oldest daughter of three children, who over many years found the conflict between responsibilities towards her mother and her young family very difficult. Carer is married but...

  • Age at interview 53