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Sarah Z

Since 2004, Sarah has been making a new life following her husband's unexpected death. Sarah experienced many difficult years of living with her husband's primary progressive MS as he gradually became more and more incapacitated.

  • Background

    Sarah, age 59, is a school teacher. She is white British, widowed, with one child.

  • Age at interview 59
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • David

    David's wife was diagnosed with relapsing-remitting MS in 2006. David presents a positive outlook and describes MS as an unhelpful disruption in their life, but not something that, so far, stops them doing many of the things that they want to do.

  • Background

    David, age 49, is a civil servant. He is white British, married with two children.

  • Age at interview 49
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Emma

    Emma's husband, age 29, was diagnosed with an aggressive form of relapsing-remitting MS in 2011. Emma's scientific background helps her to understand the illness and the available treatments. She is eager to find out more about relevant clinical trials.

  • Background

    Emma, age 37, works as a food technologist. She describes herself as white European, Spanish. She is married, with no children.

  • Age at interview 37
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Kay Z

    Kay's husband has secondary progressive MS, initially diagnosed in 1993. Kay describes herself as her husband's primary carer, supported by a large network of friends and by good health and social care services.

  • Background

    Kay, age 49, works part-time as an operations manager for a local church. She is white British, married, with two teenage children.

  • Age at interview 49
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Louise

    Louise's husband was diagnosed with primary progressive MS in 1997. They have learned to live with the illness and to adapt, though Louise emphasises that MS has totally changed her life.

  • Background

    Louise, age 49, works as a conference manager in higher education. She is white British, married, with two children in their late teens.

  • Age at interview 49
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Kate

    Kate's husband has had MS for 50 years but has only received a diagnosis in the last few years. They have received more support in recent years, but Kate is critical of the organisation of health services in their area.

  • Background

    Kate worked as personal assistant to a head teacher before retirement. She is white British, married with two children.

  • Age at interview 75
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Betty

    Betty's partner was diagnosed with primary progressive MS in 2006. She was made redundant from her job around the same time and is now his full-time carer.

  • Background

    Betty, age 58, worked as a manager in the construction industry. She is white British, lives with her partner and has no children.

  • Age at interview 58
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Jeff

    Jeff's wife has had MS for 30 years. Jeff took early retirement from work to spend more time with his wife as her MS had progressed.

  • Background

    Jeff, age 62, is a retired schoolteacher. He is white British, married with two children.

  • Age at interview 62
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • John Y

    John's wife was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis fifteen years ago when she started experiencing pain in her spine and neck, since then her condition has gradually deteriorated. John carries out the majority of care for her along with working full-time.

  • Background

    John, age 55, is a self-employed builder. He is Greek Cypriot, married, with two children.

  • Age at interview 55
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • John X

    John's wife has had MS for over 30 years. The diagnosis was a relief because they both feared something worse. John describes his wife as a feisty' lady who refuses to see herself as disabled.

  • Background

    John, age 63, is a retired schoolmaster. He is white British, married with three children.

  • Age at interview 63
  • Sex/Gender Male