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Kay Y

Kay's brother was diagnosed with MS in 2000 at the age of 25. He is now profoundly disabled and lives in a care home. Kay visits him two or three times a week and thinks of herself as his champion and advocate since both their parents died. [Kay's brother died in January 2012, after she spoke to us].

  • Background

    Kay, age 38, is a communications officer for a housing association. She is white British, lives with her partner and has no children.

  • Age at interview 38
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Nicola

    Her mum was diagnosed with MS when Nicola was a young teenager. They lived together through Nicola's teenage years. They live in separate towns now and see each other about once a month.

  • Background

    Nicola is 32 and works in the NHS as a psychotherapist. She is white British and lives with her partner. They have no children.

  • Age at interview 32
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Anita

    Anita's mum was diagnosed with MS when Anita was about 11 years old. Anita spent most of her teenage years and young adulthood as her mum's primary carer. She feels that this experience has had lasting consequences for her, both negative and positive.

  • Background

    Anita, age 37, works as a human resources manager. She is white British, engaged to her partner and has no children.

  • Age at interview 37
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Carole

    Carole spent her teenage years as the main carer for her mum, who had a rapidly advancing primary progressive MS. They were years of secrecy and isolation in which no one talked about the situation. Carole now has secondary progressive MS herself and is much more open about talking about it with her own teenage son.

  • Background

    Carole, age 53, is a road safety officer. She is white British, divorced, with one child.

  • Age at interview 53
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Jean

    Jean's son was diagnosed with MS in the late 1980s. Jean and the rest of the family were shocked at the diagnosis, though her son was relieved it wasn't a brain tumour. His own positive attitude to life with the illness has helped Jean come to terms with it herself.

  • Background

    Jean, age 71, is a retired district nurse. She is white British, divorced, with four adult children.

  • Age at interview 71
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Norma

    Norma's eldest son was diagnosed with primary progressive MS in 1990 and she cared for him until his death in 2003. She now cares for her youngest son, who was diagnosed with relapsing-remitting MS in 2003. Norma founded the charity, Shane's Project, which provides support for carers and people with MS.

  • Background

    Norma, age 70, is a retired restaurateur. She is Black/Caribbean, divorced, with five children.

  • Age at interview 70
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Ray & Sarah

    Sarah's mum has MS and from an early age Sarah took on caring responsibilities. Along with caring she is also an advocate for younger carers, providing help and support in her local area. Ray's wife was diagnosed with relapsing-remitting MS in 1980, before the birth of their daughter, Sarah. The progress of the illness has been slow, but with some severe relapses. Ray and Sarah both feel that MS has made them closer as a family.

  • Background

    Sarah is 17; white British, and studies Health and Social care at college. Ray, age 57, is a retired labourer. He is white British, married, with one child.

  • Age at interview 17
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Ann

    Ann's daughter first experienced signs of MS at 18 years old. She is not currently affected too severely and tries to get on with life, focusing on the positives.

  • Background

    Ann, age 55 is a local government officer. She is white British, divorced, with two children.

  • Age at interview 55
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • John Z

    John, age 71, is a retired divisional fire commander. He is white British, married, with one adult child.

  • Background

    John’s wife experienced symptoms of MS for many years before receiving a diagnosis in 1984. The illness progressed steadily and she has needed full time nursing home care since 2003....

  • Age at interview 71
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Mike

    Mike's partner was diagnosed with relapsing-remitting MS in 2009. She has frequent relapses, which more or less immobilise her. Mike cares for her full-time, with some help from paid carers, but sees himself as her partner, rather than her carer'.

  • Background

    Mike, age 51, is a hotel barman/porter, but is currently unemployed. He is white British, married, with no children.

  • Age at interview 51
  • Sex/Gender Male