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Sally’s parents self-funded care from age 93. Sally’s mother was living with dementia and her father, who was in his nineties, was her main carer. They paid for some care at home but then decided to find a care home…

  • Background

    Sally, aged 66, is a retired senior nurse. She is married with two adult children. Being a nurse, she had some understanding of the social care system, nevertheless, she was...

  • Age at interview 66
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Paula

    Paula’s mother self-funded care. Paula has arranged live-in care for her mother for 5 years. They have one carer Monday to Friday and another over the weekend. A third carer helps out occasionally and Paula and her family are always…

  • Background

    Paula, aged 54, is self-employed and works from home. She is married with three children aged 24, 21 and 17.  Since her work is flexible she is able to manage...

  • Age at interview 54
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Andrew

    Andrew’s mother self-funded care from age 80. Andrew’s mother lived nearby and he visited regularly and made sure she was safe. Following an intensive course of treatment for cancer, his mother spent a few weeks in a hospice where she…

  • Background

    Andrew, aged 58, is married with two children in their twenties. He is a self-employed publisher but was previously employed and often worked away from home, which was worrying when...

  • Age at interview 58
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Jacky

    Jacky’s parents self-funded care from age 85. Jacky’s mother and father both needed care, first at home and then moving into residential care. After her father died, her mother moved nearer to Jacky in the south of England. Care home…

  • Background

    Jacky, aged 65, is a retired teacher. She is married with two adult children. Jacky spent time making sure she knew all about the social care and funding systems and...

  • Age at interview 65
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Tracey

    Tracey’s parents self-funded their care. Tracey’s father was diagnosed with dementia and her mother struggled to care for him. He moved to a nursing home that could cope with his challenging behaviour. When her mother needed care at home they…

  • Background

    Tracey, aged 59, is married with one adult child. After leaving the Royal Navy, she worked as an admissions officer at a university. She is now retired and works as...

  • Age at interview 59
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Frances

    Frances’ father self-funded care from age 77. When Frances could not find suitable accommodation for her father and his dog, she decided to sell their family home and her father’s house and purchase a house together. They paid for care…

  • Background

    Frances, aged 52, is a qualified nurse. She is married with two adult sons, who were at secondary school when her father moved in with the family. Frances feels there...

  • Age at interview 52
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Sarah

    Sarah’s parents self-funded care from age 81 and 83. Sarah looked after her parents at home herself with support from her brothers and then they gradually paid for more and more care. Eventually Sarah and her brothers made the difficult…

  • Background

    Sarah, aged 55, is married with three adult children. She is a teacher and decided to reduce her hours to work part-time so that she could devote more time to...

  • Age at interview 55
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Hazel

    Hazel’s father self-funded care from age 94. Hazel was increasingly worried about how her father was coping. She did his shopping online and visited every week or so. When they went on holiday, Hazel’s father would stay at home and…

  • Background

    Hazel is a retired events coordinator. She is married with one adult daughter. Hazel’s daughter lives abroad and now has children of her own. Hazel was worried because her father...

  • Age at interview 72
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Deryck

    Deryck’s mother self-funded care from age 87. Deryck’s mother lived in a retirement apartment about half an hour’s drive from where he lived. He visited often but realised that she was not looking after herself. It was a relief to…

  • Background

    Deryck is married with two adult children. He is a retired sales manager. Deryck has no sisters or brothers to share in caring for his mother which, in this case,...

  • Age at interview 71
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Sue

    Sue’s mother self-funded care from age 87. After her father died, Sue’s mother deteriorated in her dementia. She had a spell in hospital after a fall then received some interim care at home provided by the NHS. Sue’s mother now…

  • Background

    Sue, aged 55, is a manager at a government department. She is married with four adult children. Sue lives with a recently diagnosed condition that causes pain and fatigue which...

  • Age at interview 55
  • Sex/Gender Female