
Sadie has a complicated diagnosis because she lives with memory problems but the consultants have not identified the reason. They think it is because of the pain she lives with related to different illnesses.

Sadie is always on the move and loves to listen to music. Sometimes when she needs to remember where she is going, she sings a little song to remind her.

Sadie is proficient on the computer but enjoys improving her skills and looking for new challenges. She is always busy creating material on her computer for church events or making greetings cards for friends.

The Christian faith is important to Sadie and she prays every morning for widom, understanding and strength. The church is a good support network too. People help each other and if she is unwell people will call or bring things for her.

Praying each day helps Sadie keep positive.

Sadie finds the church community is a great help.

Creating posters and leaflets on the computer takes much of Sadie’s time but she is always looking for new skills.

Keeping things deliberately in mind helps Sadie to remember important tasks.

The group Sadie attends includes singing and dancing as well as relaxation.

Sadie writes down instructions for her future self to follow.