Richard and Viv

Richard was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia at the age of 66. Richard and Viv feel a little isolated as neither of them now drive which makes accessing local facilities or dementia support groups very difficult.

Richard and Viv have three sons. They are all working but help out as often as they can. Richard was dedicated to his design business and was a workaholic, Viv says. He enjoys talking to his sons about what they are doing.

Richard and Viv have a lovely garden which Richard designed years ago. He likes to walk in the garden but is too anxious to going any further in case he gets lost. The evenings are difficult for Richard as the darkness brings on confusion.

We asked Richard if he had advice for others who are having memory problems.

Even though Richard left India when he was a young child, he has memories of living there.

Although Richard feels his playing is not good enough now, Viv says he lights up when he plays.

Living in a remote area means Richard and Viv struggle to get to local groups.

Richard experienced side effects with his medication for frontotemporal dementia.

Getting the diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia was tough for Richard.

To begin with, Richard was told he had pseudo-dementia and depression.

Richard’s assessment was done at his home but he found it intimidating.

Richard is no longer interested in his hobbies.

Richard goes through this every evening but during the day he cannot remember – so his wife explains about sundowning.

The change in personality was noticeable in Richard.