
After a delay due to Covid-19, Peter was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. He is determined to be positive and live well with his memory problems. Peter feels that his dementia may be linked to hearing problems after working at a noisy concert venue.

When Peter was first diagnosed with dementia, he was given a lot of information. When he started reading about his possible future symptoms, he found that upsetting so didn’t read any further. He feels he is ready to think more about his future now.

One of the recommendations after his diagnosis was to try going to a dementia support group. He did go along to one but didn’t find it very helpful as felt it was more aimed at people in the later stages of dementia and he still doesn’t feel comfortable with group situations following the Covid-19 pandemic. Peter still drives but doesn’t feel as confident with it anymore so doesn’t go very far. He enjoys time in the garden with his wife but needs to be reminded of tasks.

If you don’t understand something, Peter says, go back and ask.

Peter has to work at making visual connections to remember things.

The memory services gave Peter written information and a list of support services.

Peter’s computer skills are good but the device is old and can’t be used for video calling.

Holding onto information became a struggle for Peter.