
Paul has a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment. As being an engineer required a logical way of thinking, he finds it frustrating that his MCI has impacted his memory and ability to problem solve. Paul tries to use mnemonics to help remember things.

Paul has always been a member of rugby clubs wherever he has lived and although he does not play anymore, still enjoys watching games. He also used to enjoy athletics and goes to watch his granddaughter in her sprinting competitions.

Paul’s grandchildren live close by, so he gets to see them quite regularly. Paul enjoys DIY and has considered doing some woodwork for his wife’s church. He is involved with the U3A and goes to two language groups, one online and one face-to-face. In one group he practises his French speaking skills and in the other, listens to guest speakers. Paul’s love for language means he is also very interested in grammar and linguistics.

A few months working in France gave Paul the opportunity to play rugby for the local team.

Writing notes doesn’t work for Paul.

Paul goes to a French conversation class online, but would prefer to meet in person.

Organising thoughts and memories is what troubles Paul.

Paul has been told his memory problems are Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI).