
Pat, aged 75, has a diagnosis of mixed dementia and takes medication for this. She is a retired office manager and lives with her husband, Barrie.  She has always enjoyed reading and writing and is a published author.

During the week, Pat and her husband like to visit local cafes and they are involved with two dementia support groups. Pat goes to an activity day once a week for people living with dementia where she bakes and plays games. Pat enjoys going to this group but isn’t always able to remember what activities she has been doing. The same group run a dementia café which Pat and Barrie go to together. They also enjoy walking around a park nearby and visiting the seaside.

Pat’s son and daughter visit her regularly. As well as baking at the dementia group, Pat’s daughter helps her to bake at home. Pat also enjoys singing so her daughter takes her to a dementia singing group once a week and has a karaoke machine at her house for Pat to use. Although Pat struggles with her memory, she can often remember song lyrics. Pat’s daughter and son-in-law are musicians so when they are performing at local venues, Barrie takes her to watch them.

Be kind, says Pat, and help each other.

Pat’s father encouraged her love of literature.

Singing with friends is great fun for Pat and Barrie.

Pat can’t always remember the details but she knows she enjoys the group.

Pat contacted her GP after getting muddled about a visit from her daughter.