
Mina’s mother was diagnosed with dementia after Mina noticed changes in her behaviour and took her mother to the GP. In the years since her mother’s diagnosis, Mina’s mother’s health has gotten worse as she now requires help with her mobility, eating and medication.

Mina started noticing changes in her mother’s behaviour and became concerned. When visiting, she noticed her mother was shopping regularly and letting food go out of date. She also found her mother’s sink was a mess and found burnt pots. After noticing these changes, Mina encouraged her mother to go to the doctor, who gave her mother a dementia test and ordered an MRI test. These tests confirmed that her mother had dementia and would need to take medication.

During the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, she decided to move in with her mum so she could take better care of her. Mina is her mother’s primary carer and takes an active role in feeding her mother and administering her medication. Mina also receives support from a carer who visits the house to help with her mother’s intimate care.

Due to her mother’s mobility issues, Mina sometimes struggles with getting her mother out of the house since her mother needs a wheelchair to get around. While in the house, her mother uses a walking stick but has begun to need more support while getting around the house. Consequently, Mina is looking at ways to adapt the home so it is better adapted to provide the care her mother needs.

Mina explains the change in her mother’s motivation and mobility

Age at interview 60

Gender Female

Mina talks about the delays to get an assessment to have adaptations added to her home

Age at interview 60

Gender Female