
Marian’s mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease in her 90s. She was caring from a distance from her mother who lives 5 hours away. When the Covid-19 pandemic started, Marian chose to live in her mother’s house. Marian has Lasting Power of Attorney for her mother’s health and welfare. At the time of interview, Marian’s mother did not have care workers to support her, but began to search for support to help with her mother’s care.

Marian lives with her mother who is based in a rural area of England and surrounded by farmland. She has a close relationship with her mother and her siblings. Marian works closely with her family members to support her mother and they provide Marian with emotional support. The family gather through Zoom or use WhatsApp to discuss health decisions and care for their mother.

Marian’s mother’s forgetfulness has become more severe and Marian has started to search for support to help her with her mother’s care. Marian found some difficulty trying to find support in the rural region where her mother resides. Available services are 20-40 miles away and Marian was unsure if there was support available in the nearest village.

Marian describes when she temporarily moved into her mother’s house to support her

Age at interview 71

Gender Female

Marian talks about her mother’s out of character temper

Age at interview 71

Gender Female