
Lawrence has been diagnosed with dementia and prescribed memantine. The medication was giving him side effects that he described as headaches, or a heaviness in his head. The doctor advised him to take the tablet at night to lessen this effect.

Laurence worked for Royal Mail all his working life. Once, he was kidnapped when he was driving the Royal Mail van. He says he was lucky to get away. The police and newspapers interviewed him about it for weeks.

After he retired, he and his wife moved to the countryside to live near their youngest daughter.

Lawrence is a talented musician. He sings and plays guitar and the banjolele. As a youngster he was offered a place at the Northern School of Music to play clarinet.

As a school boy Lawrence was offered a place at the Northern School of Music, playing clarinet.

When he plays guitar, Lawrence is happy and relaxed.

Music has always been a big part of Lawrence’s life.

Lawrence keeps fit walking everyday with his daughter.

When he retired, Lawrence and his wife moved to live nearer their daughter.

Lawrence enjoys the banter when he is out with the male volunteer.

A volunteer takes Lawrence bowling and walking.

After having serious side effects the doctors recommended Lawrence takes his dementia medication at night.