
Kevin’s father was diagnosed with early stages of Alzheimer’s Disease. He lives around the corner from his father in the same town and obtained Lasting Power of Attorney for property and financial affairs and health and welfare. At the time of interview, Kevin’s father was living on his own and did not require paid care workers to support him.

Kevin has a close relationship with his father and visits him regularly. Kevin’s father lives independently and continues to keep up his own care and household on his own. Kevin manages his father’s finances and medical appointments. Both Kevin and his father attend support groups for people living with dementia and their carers. Kevin became friends with other carers who are caring for their parents.

Kevin had difficulty finding information about local groups and support. He felt carers and people living with dementia would benefit more from having a central point of information. There are a number of local support groups available in the region where Kevin and his father live. Kevin’s father is able to choose which groups are suitable and Kevin supports his father to attend the groups.

Kevin explains the change in the local clinic’s health checks for his father

Age at interview 64

Gender Male