
Keith likes to keep busy and attends a variety of activities each week. He goes to exercise classes and a dementia support group twice a week. He is also part of a singing group and is a talented artist. Keith set up a painting group in his village.

Keith believes that his memory started to decline after he hit his head on a garage door. His wife did start to notice that he was forgetting names before the head injury but when Keith couldn’t remember the name of someone he used to work with, he decided to go to his GP. Keith was referred to the memory clinic and went through a series of assessments and scans. It took three years for him to receive his diagnosis of Alzheimer’s with vascular dementia. This was a very stressful time for Keith and his wife. Keith takes daily medication for his memory which he feels is helping. To help remember important dates and appointments, Keith’s wife writes events on a whiteboard which he checks every day. He also keeps a diary which he uses to help jog his memory.

For Keith, the groups he attends each week are very important to him. He goes to some with his wife and some independently. He takes part in an exercise class twice a week and goes to a dementia support group where he plays sports like snooker and table tennis. As Keith has always enjoyed singing, he and his wife go to a singing group for people living with dementia. He enjoys spending time with other people who have memory problems as they can chat about their experiences. For many years, Keith has run his own art group in his village. He is a painter and photographer and so once a week he goes to his group to paint.

When he has any free time between going to groups, Keith likes to keep his brain active by doing word searches and quizzes. He also enjoys playing cards and dominoes with his wife, as well as doing one-thousand-piece jigsaws. Keith and his wife make sure they go on a daily walk around their village and, when they can, love to go on holiday abroad.

Keith remembers a vintage car he worked on.

Keith and his wife go to a fitness class each week.

Keith likes to do all sorts of puzzles and games.

Keith’s wife writes all their events for the week on a whiteboard.

Meeting people in the later stages of dementia motivates Keith to make the most of everyday.

Keith enjoys his group where there are people with different forms of dementia.

Taking Donepezil for Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia has helped for Keith.