
Jenny is a carer for her mother, who has late-onset dementia. Jenny helps her mother with day-to-day appointments and has power of attorney, which she shares with one of her brothers.

Jenny noticed her mother began to forget things after being isolated by herself during the Covid-19 lockdowns. Her mother showed signs of forgetting everyday things, and her mother began writing in her diary to help her remember details. As a result of these changes to her mother’s memory, Jenny took her mother to the doctors who diagnosed her with late-onset dementia.

Jenny shares her caring responsibilities and power of attorney with one of her brothers. While her brother manages her mother’s finances, Jenny helps her mother with day-to-day appointments and sorting things out for her. This includes arranging for carers to visit her mother, who requires support remembering to take her medication and help with meals.

Jenny intends to continue to arrange and provide care for her mother at home as she knows she does not want to go into a care home. Therefore, Jenny’s priority is to help facilitate her mother’s care at home as her condition progresses.

Jenny tries to find the right balance with care needs and how to approach it

Age at interview 60

Gender Female

Jenny describes decisions around choosing to care for her mother

Age at interview 60

Gender Female