
Dave began to notice his father’s memory issues after he began to forget to turn up to events. His father was first diagnosed with cognitive impairment, but his memory issues continued. When Dave took his father back to the doctors a second time, he was eventually diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Dave found that getting a diagnosis was prolonged due to the Covid-19 lockdowns.

Dave began to notice that his father was having memory issues after he began to forget to turn up to the plans they had arranged. Initially, they adapted to this by calling him to tell them they were on their way or to check that he was en-route to meet them. However, Dave noticed that his father was forgetting to take his medication. This caused Dave to become concerned and take his father to the doctors, who diagnosed his father with mild cognitive impairment. However, since Dave’s dad continued to show symptoms throughout lockdown he decided to contact the doctors again. It was on this occasion that Dave’s father was diagnosed with dementia. Dave felt that getting a diagnosis during lockdown was difficult. It took six months until he got the official diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. The delay in diagnosis also impacted Dave’s ability to apply for support because without a diagnosis he was unable to apply for disability support.

Dave decided to stay with his father through lockdown as it was apparent that he needed support. Dave felt that his father would not be okay managing his medication, general care, and understanding the lockdown rules. Due to his Alzheimer’s, Dave’s father struggled during lockdown as he did not understand that he could not go outside. His father would have issues remembering his PIN or using his card and would visit the bank, not understanding that they were closed due to lockdown. After Dave’s father’s diagnosis, he was also advised to stop driving, which further impacted his father’s independence.

Alongside his Alzheimer’s, Dave’s father has other health conditions that need attention. When lockdown lifted, Dave returned home, and while visiting him, his father had a medical incident. After this incident, Dave convinced his father to move down to where he lived so he could continue to care for him. To ensure his father is still social, Dave has enrolled him in dementia groups so that he can take part in various activities.

Dave talks about his father’s diagnosis and support during lockdown

Age at interview 58

Gender Male

Dave describes the negative change in his father when he went back home

Age at interview 58

Gender Male