
Anne, aged 78, likes having time to herself but also enjoys seeing her granddaughter who visits each week. She also meets up with friends when she can. As Anne lives near a racecourse, she enjoys the lively atmosphere and looking at racegoers’ outfits.

Anne’s concerns about her memory have developed over a few years. She initially thought that her forgetfulness was just related to getting older and that her friends were having similar problems. Since then, though, she has started forgetting names and feels overwhelmed with daily life so she has become more concerned. Anne thinks it may be time to speak to her GP about this. Anne’s family and friends are aware of her memory problems and try to deal with it in a light-hearted way.

Technology is a particular challenge for Anne and she feels left behind by it. She keeps a diary which she writes in every day and ticks off tasks when they have been done.  Her daughter arranged for some of Anne’s bills to be paid online but Anne gets other bills by post so that she can deal with them herself because she doesn’t want to lose her independence. Anne joined a technology support group but didn’t find it helpful as when she got home from each class, she would forget what she had been taught.

Day to day, Anne enjoys keeping her house clean and tidy, decorating, and looking after the garden. She often goes to the local butchers and bakery and walks around the nearby racecourse. As Anne used to live in a quiet village, she likes that she is now able to watch people walking to and from the races and having fun. She sometimes visits the cinema and the theatre with her friends or meets them in town. Anne looks forward to seeing her youngest grandchild twice a week, after school. Although Anne has tried going to social groups like the Women’s Institute, she didn’t enjoy them. She feels that her life is full enough and after losing her husband, prefers her own company.

Anne has learnt to enjoy the good days.

Anne shares happy memories of her mother.

Anne is enjoying her new community.

Anne feels left behind by technology.