
Andy and his family care for his father, who has dementia. They split various tasks to help manage his father’s care since he has various health conditions as well as dementia.

Andy’s father was first diagnosed with Alzheimer’s/vascular dementia when he was in hospital after an operation. Andy cares for his father alongside other family members as they each share roles to help care for him. Andy’s father has multiple health conditions that require constant care. Therefore, he is often visited at home by carers and health professionals to help deliver treatment for his other conditions. His father also has mobility issues, so Andy and his family have looked into getting a stair lift to adapt the house better.

Andy has found caring for his father difficult, especially during lockdown, and feels that it has negatively affected his mental health. Although his father’s dementia has not yet progressed to a stage where he is forgetting people, he is becoming increasingly forgetful. Behavioural aspects of his father’s dementia at the beginning also made caring for his father difficult.

Andy talks about his mental health struggles and how it impacts his ability to care for his father

Age at interview 31

Gender Male