
Andrew received a young onset dementia diagnosis at his HIV clinic after speaking to his consultant about memory concerns. Following his diagnosis, he was prescribed Galantamine which he feels has greatly improved his symptoms and improved his memory test results. Andrew is an active member of his local LGBTQ community.

Andrew takes part in university research projects which are promoted by the LGBTQ group he belongs to. He thinks it is important to share his experiences with researchers but also finds that he benefits personally from being involved in research studies. Andrew goes to the gym at least 3 times a week and likes walking along the seafront with his partner and shopping in the city. He enjoys listening to music, reading thrillers, and going on holiday. He is also part of an online dementia support group which gives him the opportunity to speak to people around the world about their experiences of living with memory problems, something which he finds quite empowering.

Living with dementia Andrew says is about what you can and want to do.

Using his smart speaker, Andrew adds tracks to his ‘favourite songs’ list.

To help him follow the plot of a book, Andrew sometimes draws a plan of the characters.

Cooking each week has improved Andrew’s confidence in the kitchen.

A psychotherapist taught Andrew different ways of remembering.

The online group Andrew joins helps the members to see what kind of care and support is available globally.

Andrew feels it’s good to talk to people with similar experiences.

The memory clinic tests showed that Andrew’s memory had improved after a year.

After a routine check-up Andrew was sent for a lumbar puncture and a scan.

Like many people, Andrew doesn’t like thinking too much about the future.