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From the age of 17 Nessa was in an emotionally abusive and controlling relationship with her children's father. She also experienced physical abuse from a subsequent partner. Although the marks on her skin from the violent attacks she endured have faded, the psychological effects of the emotional abuse continue to impact on her sense of self.

  • Background

    Nessa, a full-time mother, lives in a council rented property with her two children aged two and four. She is a single woman of mixed ethnic background (White and Black...

  • Age at interview 22
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Ella

    Ella experienced emotional, financial, sexual and physical abuse at the hands of three different abusive partners. The first relationship lasted seven years followed by shorter relationships of six months and 18 months. When she eventually became homeless she was referred to Women's Aid, and with their support she has been free of abuse for three years. Ella said that had she known about Women's Aid sooner, and realised that domestic abuse was not just about being physically beaten up', then she might not have continued into further abusive relationships. She now feels she could knock it on the head before it began'. (Video clips played by an actor.)

  • Background

    Ella is a 27 year old single white British woman with no children. She lives on her own in privately rented accommodation and works full-time.

  • Age at interview 27
  • Sex/Gender Female