{media 108521} I am a 65 year old mum from Leeds. My film is about my 25 year old daughter, Amali, who has Asperger's Syndrome...
I am a full time, unpaid carer for my adult daughter who has Severe Autism and Learning Difficulties. I went back to work, doing office admin when she was a baby. However, I left the role within a year as I did find it difficult at the time, to juggle looking after 2 children aged under 5, immediately after getting home from work. Particularly as I had to take over their care from their father, who used to have to, himself, leave our home to go to work, once I’d arrived home.
Also, having to juggle breastfeeding at the time, often overnight, I found it very tiring working and child rearing. I went on to have another child after and now all 3 of my offspring are adults.
I am hoping to take up a part time job once my daughter is happily settled in a day placement somewhere. For now, it is not feasible due to time constraints.
Hobby-wise, I like to write poetry in my spare time and in 2019 I was fortunate enough to be published in an anthology of poems. I also have various poems of mine published in certain newsletters.
My film is really about the journey of being a parent of a Severely Autistic daughter and the expectations of what I had hoped the Education System and the Local Authority would do to help me along that journey. I also wanted to highlight in the film that it was often being able to rely on the help, knowledge and support of other parents of Special Needs offspring, which helped me to navigate my way through the system.