Dr Lucy Pocock
Dr Lucy Pocock is a general practitioner (GP) working in South Gloucestershire.
No details given.
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Dr Lucy Pocock is a general practitioner (GP) working in South Gloucestershire.
No details given.
Nick is a social worker at Leeds City Council. Part of Nick’s job is to carry out social care needs assessments and recommend a range of care and support options.
Nick carries out needs assessments for people who may need help with everyday activities such as washing, dressing and getting meals. Even if you are paying for your own care,...
Sharon previously worked in the banking sector and is now income services manager at City of York Council. She oversees financial assessments for people needing social care.
Sharon manages money and care on behalf of self-funders who need assistance. She also offers information and advice about eligibility for help with paying for care and care-related benefits.
Tish Hanifan is founder and joint chair of the Society of Later Life Advisers (SOLLA). SOLLA ensures people seeking advice about financial issues in later life can find a local Accredited Adviser.
Tish is a qualified barrister and is committed to protecting the rights of older people. Working alongside financial services, Tish could see how important it is to get the right...
Nadra Ahmed OBE DL is executive chair of the National Care Association, a position she has held for more than 20 years. The organisation supports care providers across all types of adult social care.
Nadra has 40 years’ experience of working in social care. She is passionate about quality training for care workers and sharing best practice in the sector.
Margaret’s husband self-funded care from age 77. Margaret cared for her husband at home until he went into hospital after a fall. The doctors and her family thought it was time her husband moved to a residential care home. Margaret…
Margaret, aged 79, is a retired health visitor. Her professional experience helped her understand the social care system but she still found it challenging. Her husband is living with vascular...
June’s husband self-funded care from age 75. June cared for her husband at home after he had a stroke. He later went into hospital following a fall and was diagnosed with progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP). Having looked after her husband…
June, aged 72, has three adult children. She has a degree and worked as a social worker and is now retired. June’s husband, John, was diagnosed with progressive supranuclear palsy...
Dan Harbour is managing director of Beacon CHC, a social enterprise providing free advice, expert information and affordable casework for families navigating the continuing healthcare system.
Dan has in-depth knowledge of NHS continuing healthcare (CHC) and funded nursing care. He and his team advise on eligibility for help with the cost of care.
Gordon’s wife self-funded care from age 79. Over the past 10 years, Gordon has been managing his wife’s care needs. He has occasional help from a carer who has experience of working with people with dementia but, in the main,…
Gordon, aged 76, is a retired head of a banking organisation. He and his wife have been married for 20 years and have five adult children from previous marriages. His...
Gary, Jackie’s husband, self-funded care from age 66. Gary retired at age 56 after a series of strokes caused by a rare syndrome. He received disability allowance which has now changed to Personal Independence Payment (PIP). As Jackie receives her…
Jackie, aged 69, and her husband Gary, aged 66, are retired and live in a first floor apartment with steep stairs. They also own a property that they let out...