Relationship with grandchildren

All the grandparents we talked with had close relationships with their grandchildren. Many were very hands on, living close to their grandchildren and seeing them regularly. One grandson lived with his grandmother. Others lived further away and saw their grandchildren less frequently. These grandparents also described close and loving relationships with their grandchildren though they were less involved in everyday aspects of their upbringing.

‘They are a delight, an absolute delight’

The grandchildren ranged in age from 6 up to 21, and all the grandparents we talked with, described their grandchildren in glowing terms.

Rebeccah has a jolly good relationship with her grandchildren and she is hideously proud of…

Age at interview 64

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Sally has a different relationship with her grandson because he was her first grandchild.

Age at interview 57

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A few grandchildren lived with their parents and grandparents when they were babies and this created a strong bond between them. One grandson lived with his grandmother, and saw his mother regularly. Several grandparents cared for their grandchildren on a regular basis. One grandmother had seen her first grandson being born and missed the second child’s birth by 30 seconds.

Jan says her grandson is absolutely wonderful though he can be irritating at times! She saw him…

Age at interview 59

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Helen adores her grandson and loves having cuddles with him.

Age at interview 57

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Jills grandson is easy to get along with and they have a fairly normal grandma-child…

Age at interview 69

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Several people talked about how loving their grandchildren were. This was something they hadn’t necessarily expected because of stereotypical views of autism.

Brendas grandson tries to find ways of loving her more.

Age at interview 56

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Grandparents had different levels of involvement in their grandchildren’s lives. Some grandchildren spent time at their grandparents’ house and slept over on a regular basis. One grandparent was not able to have her grandchildren to stay because her house wasn’t a suitable environment for them, but she looked after them in their own home. Several grandparents talked about taking their grandchildren out – this is discussed further in Going out.

‘He makes it quite clear what he wants and what he doesn’t want’

Some grandparents reflected on how their grandchildren didn’t always acknowledge them when they saw them, or how they could be quite ‘rejecting’ at times. This was something they learnt to accept. As one grandmother said, she has learnt to respect what her grandson wants and accepts that she can’t spend equal amounts of time with her grandchildren because they have such differing interests. Another grandfather was undecided about whether his grandson is content with his own company or, in fact, ‘dreadfully isolated’.

Janets grandchildren are genuinely pleased to see her now which is a good response, as they…

Age at interview 65

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Helens grandson makes it very clear if he doent want her in the room.

Age at interview 57

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Jan struggled at first because she felt she ought to be doing more with her grandsons, but now…

Age at interview 64

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Dorothys grandson will play games with her, and it grieves her a bit that her granddaughter…

Age at interview 82

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Brian and Lucy describe how they are part of their grandsons Saturday routine but he only…

Age at interview 70

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Jan finds it hard that her grandchildren want to retreat and be on their own.

Age at interview 64

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Many people had learnt different ways of managing their grandchildren, and this is discussed further in ‘Emotions’.

Bryan reflects on how he used to try and communicate with his grandson in a way that he couldnt…

Age at interview 72

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Irene talks about how she involved her grandchildren in the organisation of a family party she…

Age at interview 61

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Being a grandparent

Being a grandparent of a child or children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has both similarities and differences to that of being a grandparent to...


The accounts that people gave about being a grandparent of someone with autism were often full of emotion. They described feeling deep sadness about some...